The Vulnerable and Prominent Population: Our Seniors

Our senior citizens, the wise and experienced pillars of our communities, are under attack by power-hungry politicians on the local, state, and federal levels. They are being exploited through the manipulation of their absentee ballots, bullying tactics, and coercive threats. Some have been told that not voting as directed could cost them their housing or social security, and others have even faced the threat of imprisonment. For decades, these seniors have had to live in fear, as democracy let them down, and their civil rights were violated.

 Disenfranchisement: A Chain Reaction

The oppression of our seniors is not an isolated issue. It is part of a broader problem in which individuals, families, and communities become further disenfranchised as politicians accumulate more power. This power is then used to manipulate or withhold policies that could potentially improve the everyday lives of our citizens. Entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even larger corporations face intimidation by politicians who control access to contracts and opportunities.

 The Threat to Faith-Based Organizations, Associations, Networks, and Consortiums

Faith-based organizations, associations, networks, and consortiums are not immune to these pressures. Their exempt status is threatened, and they are often limited in their ability to provide support due to the fear of being denied grants and contracts. Our civil rights are systematically eroded as a result of these actions.

 Fear in the Workplace and Housing Authorities

Within housing authorities and community action agencies, residents are often forced into a difficult choice – vote in line with the wishes of those in power or risk losing their apartments. Union workers also live in fear of losing their jobs if they do not support the union leadership and the chosen candidates. Even when dues are paid, speaking out can lead to a lack of support in the event of job-related issues. Concessions are made constantly, but only the leadership seems to benefit.

 The Broken Democracy of 2023

In 2023, it’s clear that democracy is not functioning as it should. The power lies with the politicians, and the people have been left disempowered. Until we recognize that we have the power to change this, it will be business as usual.

 A Call for a People’s Bureau

It’s time to take action and reclaim our power. We propose the establishment of a local, state, and federal People’s Bureau that ensures the termination of these oppressive behaviors and practices. We understand that not everyone may agree, but we want to hear from you. We want to create legislation that protects our senior citizens, individuals, families, communities, entrepreneurs, small businesses, business owners, faith-based organizations, associations, networks, and consortiums. Your voices and votes must be protected and not suppressed.

 Let’s Reclaim Our Power

It’s not enough to simply speak truth to power; we must take action. Together, we can ensure that the power is returned to the people. Join us in this crucial mission to revitalize democracy, protect our civil rights, and empower our communities. Together, we can create a future where democracy truly serves the people it was meant to represent. The time to act is now.

 Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas with us. Together, we can make a change.

 Let’s reclaim our power and put democracy back where it belongs – in the hands of the people.

– Chiquita D. Felder-Stephenson